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  • Lead & Believe - A strong leader presence is critical to a successful meeting.

    • The participants will see that you believe in the message and that they should as well.

  • Listen - Be a facilitator of ideas, not a lecturer.

    • Ask questions that engage people as well as promote conversation.

  • Conduct Roving Safety Meetings – To make a safety meeting more engaging and interactive consider performing a “Hazard Hunt” - a roving tailgate meeting.

    • Each person is involved in locating potential unsafe conditions/hazards at a prearranged workstation or job site.

  • Change the Leader – Rotating safety-meeting leaders gets everyone involved in addition to promoting the ownership of ideas.

  • Focus on People, Not Policy – The meeting’s message should include culture as well as compliance.

    • People are more likely to respond to a safety message when the focus is on what matters most to them.  




Safety handprint

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